Hand held calculator Simpsons Sears Model Digi-matic 8 Model 41030, S/N 135988.
This calculator is in a black molded plastic case 15 cm (l) x 8 cm (W) x 3.5 cm (top) and 2.5 cm (bottom) thick. It has 17 keys that are black and white. There is an “ON” and a “K” switch at the top of the keyboard and a label “DIGI-matic 8” at the top of the keyboard. There is a red LED display screen 5 cm(l) x 1 cm (h) at the top of the keyboard. The back is has raised lettering describing operating instructions. There is a metal label “MODEL NUMBER 41030 SERIAL NUMBER 135988 MADE IN CANADA EXPRESSLY FOR SIMPSONS-SEARS AND SIMPSONS”
110 Volt charger
Object ID:
ALSA 2008.02.12
Donated By:
Kinloch Underwood Associates Ltd.