- Object ID: ALSA 2007.02.01
- Made by: E.R. Watts and Son
- Model: Unknown
- Serial Number: 3726
- Date Made: Circa 1910.
- Approximate size: Unknown.
- Accessories: 1. Tripod for theodolite is ALSA 2007.02.02
2. Carrying case is made of wood, the outside of which is covered with leather. There is a carrying handle and two straps which hold the case closed along with two hasps. One of the hasps is loose requiring that it be re-installed.
3. Sun shade (brass)
4. Lens cover (brass)
5. Small round aluminum case (4 cm. diameter X 1.3 cm. thick). It was found in the carrying case. Though it fits in a niche that seems to be made for it, its purpose is not known. - Condition: poor
No. 3726, Theodolite (Brass Construction) Manufactured By E.R. Watts & Son, London England.
1. Tripod for theodolite is ALSA 2007.02.02.
2. Carrying case is made of wood, the outside of which is covered with leather. There is a carrying handle and two straps which hold the case closed along with two hasps. One of the hasps is loose requiring that it be re-installed.
3. Sun shade (brass)
4. Lens cover (brass)
5. Small round aluminum case (4 cm. diameter X 1.3 cm. thick). It was found in the carrying case. Though it fits in a niche that seems to be made for it, its purpose is not known. See E.R. Watts 1910 Catalogue pages 20, 21.
Source of Object: Unknown.
Notes: The Society has only one in their collection.
References: Visit article Surveys were to be Astronomical for additional information.
Description by: Entered by Ed Titanich on December 3, 2024.