- Object ID: ALSA 2007.27.05
- Made by: Stanley, London
- Model: Unknown.
- Serial Number: 48318
- Date Made: 1948.
- Approximate size: Unknown.
- Accessories: The level comes in a wooden box within a leather case.
- Condition: good
“48318, STANLEY, LONDON, MADE IN ENGLAND” is inscribed on the scope of the level. Two words, one before STANLEY and one after, are unreadable. The level has a horizontal scale and three leveling screws. The level comes in a wooden box within a leather case. Details about the instrument including the date May 1948 is stamped on a certificate pasted to the top of the inside of the box. The wooden box also contains a plumb bob, an adjusting pin and a key. Also included are “Instructions for Fitting Stanley ‘Allbrit Plastic Faces on Surveyors’ staffs”.
Source of Object: Donated by C.H. (Charlie) Weir.
Notes: The Society has only one in their collection.
Description by: Entered by Ed Titanich on December 19, 2024.