Author Archives: Ed Titanich
The term “theodolite” can be traced back to the sixteenth century in Europe. Although there...
Computer, Pocket HP25
The HP-25 was introduced in 1975. It was called a calculator by Hewlett Packard, however,...
Calculator Manual, Facit
Facit calculator. This calculator was made by Facit AB, in Stockholm, Sweden. It is marked...
Calculator Manual, Curta Type II
Curta Calculator, Type II - 8 decimal places. The Curta was small enough to fit...
Calculator Manual, Curta Type 1
One Curta Type 1 calculator & Metal Carrying case (Case is in two connecting sections}
Matt Wuhr Interview July 8 1999
Matt spent most of his career surveying in the Arctic and surveying Indian Reserves and...
Interview Collection
The Society has a number of interviews conducted with Alberta Land Surveyors. Some are available...
EDM – Electronic Distance Measuring Devices
The introduction of electronic distance measuring (EDM) in the late 1950s was the start of...
Chain, Gunter’s
The Gunter’s Chain, designed in England by Edward Gunter in 1620. It was one chain...