Computer, Pocket HP25

Computer, HP25


  • Object ID: ALSA 2008.02.05
  • Made by: Hewlett Packard
  • Model: 25
  • Serial Number: 11611S16392
  • Date Made: circa 1975 to 1978.
  • Approximate size: 13 cm (l) x (W) x 3 cm (top) and 2.5 cm (bottom) thick.
  • Accessories: 110 Volt charger.
  • Condition: good


Hand held computer Hewlett Packard Model 25 S/N 11611S16392. It is in a Tan molded plastic case. It has 30 raised keys that are black, tan and one gold and one blue in color. The keyboard and the keys have multi function labelling. There are “OFF-ON” and a “PRGM -RUN” switches at the top of the keyboard and a label ” HEWLETT PACKARD 25″ at the bottom of the keyboard. There is a red LED display screen 5.4 cm(l) x 1.5 cm (h) at the top of the keyboard. The back is embossed with a SERIAL NO. “1611S16392”, as well as a printed metallic label “HEWLETT- PACKARD MADE IN SINGAPORE 2.5V 500mW”.

Source of Object: Donated by Kinloch Underwood Associates Ltd.

Notes: Two other HP25 are in the collection; ALSA 2008.02.24 and ALSA 2008.02.25 (both donated by Kinloch Underwood Associates Ltd.

References: Visit the article Finally, Computers could be taken to the Field for additional information and

Description by: Updated by Ed Titanich, October 1, 2024.