EDM, Hewlett Packard, 3808A

EDM, Hewlett Packard 3808A
EDM, Hewlett Packard 3808A


  • Object ID: ALSA 2008.14.04
  • Made by: Hewlett Packard
  • Model: 3808A
  • Serial Number: 1723A00248
  • Date Made: October 1978.
  • Approximate size: 35 cm (l) (including eye piece and end of lens) X 26 cm (w) and 15 cm (h)
  • Accessories: Manual is in fair condition and bound with a coil binding – pages are numbered 1 to 53. Note: there is no case, attaching cables or any other accessories.
  • Condition: good


EDM is orange in color with an internal metal sighting scope mount on top Front of EDM has black shrouds around both the lens and clear receiver ring (around the lens), a reflective lens cap, a rough sight opening and a front black insert marked with: “HEWLETT * PACKARD, MODEL 3808 A, MADE IN U.S.A., SERIAL NUMBER, 1723A00248, Medium Range DM”. A label is attached to the front describing address and testing standards for EDM. There is a date stamped on the label “OCTOBER 1978” after the word “MANUFACTURED”. There is a small female opening near the top of this black insert.

The back of the instrument has the adjustable eyepiece (for sighting) and a grey insert that has various grey dials, black switches, a small screen, a blue “OUTPUT” button and one red “MEASURE” button. Also on the grey insert there is a small metallic label that contains information regarding the calibration data for the machine.
The bottom of the EDM has a two pronged receptacle for hooking the power cables, a fuse receptacle (containing a fuse) and two labels (one describing “POWER FUSE” requirements. Another label headed “ATTENTION SERVICE PERSONNEL” and two red and white labels denoted “CALIBRATION VOID IF SEAL BROKEN”. On the left side of the case is a chromed cap (anchored by a small chain) data port. The bolt anchoring the chain to the cap is missing.

A charcoal (in color) tilting yoke is mounted under EDM with three feet for insertion into a tribrach which affixes to the top of a tripod. The yoke consists of a folding metal handle for carrying, vertical and horizontal clamps and tangent screws for locking and adjusting the various motions.

Source of Object: Dave Williams, ALS

Notes: The Society has another in their collection, ALSA 2008.14.05 also donated by Dave Williams, ALS.


Description by: Entered by Ed Titanich, October 23, 2024.