EDM, Sokkisha, Red 2

EDM, Sokkisha, Red 2
EDM, Sokkisha, Red 2


  • Object ID: ALSA 2009.06.04
  • Made by: Sokkisha
  • Model: Red 2
  • Serial Number: , D70125
  • Date Made: circa 1980 to 1983.
  • Approximate size: 21 cm including front lens and rear eye piece (l) X 15.0 cm (w) X 12.0 cm (h) (to top of push button pad)
  • Accessories: Case: Orange in color, approximately 44 cm (l) X 26 cm (h) X 36 cm (w) (including handle). Top and bottom is inscribed “SOKKISHA” in case and and a poor “SOKKISHA RED2L ELECTRONIC DISTANDE METER” label is attached to the top. Front has one black plastic and chromed handle, one small chromed clip clasp and two locking chromed clasps. Back has two chromed hinges and four plastic legs (two with chromed bar inserted in them). Inside of case has foam rubber inserts in top and bottom for holding the EDM and accessories in place. Battery charger (120 volt charger plugs into power outlet and has chord that plugs into batteries), and also a similar battery charger to plug into a 12 volt vehicle cigarette lighter. Two RED2 plastic rechargeable batteries – model # BDC11 (approximately 14 cm (l) X 5.5 cm (w) X 3 cm (t)). 
  • Condition: fair


This instrument mounts on the top of a theodolite. Black top mount tilting bracket under EDM. Red and black in color. “D70125 SOKKISHA MADE IN JAPAN” on bottom of EDM, on back of push button plate on top of EDM “SOKKISHA SF2 NO 211261 MADE IN JAPAN” and on control face on back of EDM “SOKKISHA 21620 RED2”. EDM has a ‘BUTLER SURVEYS SUPPLIES LTD.” label on top. Another label “CAM-AM PROPERTY OF CAN-AM SURVEYS LTD.TOLL FREE:1-800-478-6141” and a box and the stamped number “6019” on the right side. On the left side is a metal label ‘SOKKISHA” and on the right side is a metal label “RED2”.

Source of Object: Donated by Les Frederick, ALS.

Notes: The Society has one other Red 2 in their collection, ALSA 2022.02.05. Donated by Les Frederick, ALS.

References: Visit article The Competition Heats Up – More EDMs for additional information.

Description by: Entered by Ed Titanich, October 23, 2024.