- Object ID: ALSA 2007.01.01
- Made by: Chesterman Sheffield, England
- Model: Unknown.
- Serial Number: Unknown.
- Date Made: Unknown.
- Approximate size: Unknown.
- Accessories: leather strap.
- Condition: fair
Chesterman, 66 feet long X 1/4 inch tape with brass handles at each end housed in a black steel reel with leather strap. Reel is marked: “No 1650 Patent” (Logo) ” Chesterman Sheffield England”.
One side of the tape is marked in feet, the other side in links. The zero end is calibrated to 10ths and 100ths. The tape is marked “Chesterman Sheffield England”
Chesterman is one of the companies that dominated the manufacture of surveyor’s tapes used in Canada. The Company was founded in 1827 in England.
Source of Object: Unknown.
Notes: Another tape is part of the collection, ALSA 2007.21.01 (Weir).
References: Visit article Pain or Panacea – Chains to Feet to Metres for additional information.
Description by: Entered by Ed Titanich on December 16, 2024.