- Object ID: ALSA 2016.01.01
- Made by: Wild Heerbrugg, Switzerland
- Model: T4
- Serial Number: TH-120745
- Date Made: Date of production was 1965.
- Approximate size: Unknown.
- Accessories: c/w two aluminum boxes with same markings: one for the body of theodolite, the other for the telescope.
1b Stride level. c/w wooden box for stride level for T4 marked “WILD HEERBRUGG SWITZERLAND TH-120745”
1c Accessories in wooden box.
1d Documentation for T4 including:
Two copies of instructions for “Unpacking and Setting-up the Instrument” pages 6 to 20. Instructions for “Adjustments” pages 6 to 29. And instructions for “Lubrication” page 87. Received with the T4 from NRCan.
Department of the Army Technical Manual for T4 “TM5-6675-97-15” Circle Test Report for T4 s/n 120745. Correspondence between Don George and Jurd Dedual of Switzerland from whom the documentation was purchased.
1e. Aluminum stand for T4.
1f. PDF of Circle test report for T4. - Condition: good
Used by Geodetic Survey Canada, Surveyor General Branch, Natural Resources Canada for determining geodetic positions (latitude and longitude) and for angular measurements for first order networks.
The T4 was produced between 1941 and 1981. It is one of the largest and most precise micrometer theodolites ever made. It was used for first order geodetic triangulation and astronomical observations. It has 65x magnification. The horizontal circle is read directly to 0.1” and the vertical circle to 0.2”. It is about 45 centimeters high and weighs approximately 60 kg. The telescope assembly is removed for transportation. Between 1941 and 1981, only 439 T4s were produced.
Source of Object: Donated by the Surveyor General Branch.
Notes: The Society has only one in their collection.
References: Visit article Wild – The Leader in Optical Theodolites for additional information.
Description by: Entered by Ed Titanich on December 1, 2024.