Transit, Topley

Transit, Topley
Transit, Topley


  • Object ID: ALSA 2013.02.01
  • Made by: Although the transit has the name Topley on it there is some evidence that it was made by Bausch & Lomb as some other instruments imported and sold by the Topley Company were made by Bausch & Lomb.
  • Model: Unknown.
  • Serial Number: 11086
  • Date Made: Unknown.
  • Approximate size: Unknown.
  • Accessories:
    1. One detachable brass and glass trough compass 11 cm (l) 2 cm (w) 2.5 cm high including the attachment tabs.
    2.. Two brass screws 3 cm (l) with 1cm thumb knobs. These screws are to attach the trough compass to the instrument on one side of the telescope upright
    3. One threaded aluminum round case 5 cm in diameter and 1.2 cm in thickness. The case contains a brass circular attachment 3 cm in diameter and 0.5 cm thick with three adjusting pins and one smaller screw. The purpose of this attachment is unknown.
    4. One flat double-ended wrench 12.5 cm (l) X 3.5 cm (w) X 2 mm thick. The wrench is to adjust the tripod brass nuts and bolts.
    5. One chrome cylinder 5.5 cm (l) X 2 cm diameter with threaded removal top which has dip stick. This cylinder is an oil container to lubricate the instrument motion points.
    6. One wire adjusting pin 7 cm long with wire diameter of 1 mm.
    7. Inside the case below the instrument is a rectangular wooden compartment with screw-down lid: 13 cm (l) X 5.2 cm (w) X 3.7 cm deep. The compartment contains: one brass smoked glass eyepiece 2.4 cm in diameter and 8 mm thick. The eyepiece does not fit on this transit. It also contains one slotted circular brass disk: 16 mm diameter X 2.5 mm thick marked “3” and one brass extra screw: 1 cm (l) x 5mm diameter slotted head.
  • Condition: fair


This Topley Transit appears identical to the one shown in the 1911 pamphlet “Instructions Covering Astronomical Field Tables for the use of Engineers and Surveyors”. There is some evidence that it was made by Bausch & Lomb as some other instruments imported and sold by the Topley Company were made by Bausch & Lomb and Bausch & Lomb also manufactured and sold survey transits under its own name. This Topley transit was owned by A.J. Tremblay DLS, ALS#075. A story about by A.J. Tremblay and how the transit and its tripod were obtained by the ALSA is detailed in Article #24 A WWI Story – A.J. Tremblay’s Transit.

External reading vernier transit with affixed reading lenses and accessories. The instrument was distributed by The Topley Company, Ottawa, Canada and is marked ” The Topley Company Ottawa Canada No 11086″ the latter being the serial number.
It has a 14 cm diameter horizontal circle and 12 cm vertical circle both of which have places for vernier viewing lenses. The lenses on the horizontal circle are complete but none exist on the vertical circle. The telescope length is 26 cm. Total height of the transit is 32 cm. The instrument is made of brass and the colour is tarnished brass and the majority of the metal parts appear to have been painted a dark brown color. The instrument case is a two part hinged leather covered wooden box 46.5 cm (l)18.5 cm (w) 19.5 cm (h) with wooden worn green felt covered inserts and compartments for the accessories listed below. The box has 2 brass hook locks, 3 brass hinges a D ring for shoulder straps and a brass key lock (the key is missing). The open case edge is labelled with “A” “B” “C” to match up with the same letters stamped on the instrument.

Source of Object: Obtained by purchase from Robert Szkaluba.

Notes: The Society has only one in their collection.

References: Visit articles A WWI Story – A.J. Tremblay’s Transit and The Topley Company – a Canadian Supplier of Survey Instruments for additional information.

Description by: Entered by Ed Titanich on December 4, 2024.