- Object ID: ALSA 2008.10.14
- Made by: TopCon
- Model: GPT – 6005C
- Serial Number: Unknown
- Date Made: Circa 2001.
- Approximate size: 35cm (h) X 23 cm (w) (including knob and side eyepiece) X 18 cm (w)
- Accessories: yellow fiber case, black battery charger (120 volt charger (model #SC-27BR) plugs into power outlet and has a cord that plugs into batteries; one rechargeable battery model # BT-50Q (approximately 9.5 cm (w) X 7 cm (h) X 5.5 cm (t) marked “2” in felt pen; one silver-coloured plumb bob with string; one grey rubber sunshade; one plastic cover for protection during rainy days; one cleaning cloth in plastic bag; and one silicone bag
- Condition: good
This total station was introduced in 2001. Some of the features of the Topcon’s GPT Series are non-prism measurement up to 400m, laser pointer for measurement and layout and Bluetooth connectivity.
Total Station, yellow in color, sits on a three screw tribrach. Label on EDM indicates “TOPCON AMERICA CORPORATION …. MANUFACTURED …”. Unable to clearly read the Serial # (M A ?????? 2??2).
“GPT-6005C TOPCON” and eye piece for plumbing instrument on one side of TS, “POWER” and battery compartments on other side with has two control panels (screen and various buttons) on opposite ends. One end has two black adjusting knobs (one for vertical and one for horizontal adjustments). The other end has a level bubble and a small plate indicating “WV0332”. Rotating scope has a lens on one side and an eyepiece on the other with two rough sighting sights (one on top and one on bottom).
Other accessories in case include: black battery charger (120 volt charger (model #SC-27BR) plugs into power outlet and has a cord that plugs into batteries; one rechargeable battery model # BT-50Q (approximately 9.5 cm (w) X 7 cm (h) X 5.5 cm (t) marked “2” in felt pen; one silver-coloured plumb bob with string; one grey rubber sunshade; one plastic cover for protection during rainy days; one cleaning cloth in plastic bag; and one silicone bag.
The yellow case is approximately 42 cm (l) X 25 cm (h) X 35 cm (w) including the handle and legs. A metal tag is attached to the top: “TOPCON GPT-6005C PULSE TOTAL STATION”. The front has one black plastic and chromed “D” handle, one chromed loop and two locking chromed clasps. The back has two chromed hinges and four plastic legs, most of which are broken. The bottom of the case has four small plastic legs. A small “bar code” label is attached to one side of the case. The inside of case has manufactured inserts in the top and bottom for holding the TS and accessories in place.
Source of Object: Donated by Grant Cross, ALS.
Notes: The Society has only one in their collection.
References: Visit article Measurement Technology Progresses – Total Stations for additional information.
Description by: Entered by Ed Titanich on December 11, 2024.