Theodolite, Kern, DKM 1

Kern DKM1 Theodolite s/n 58762. It was designed by Heinrich Wild in the 1930s. The...

Theodolite, Geodetic, Kern DKM 3

Kern DKM 3 s/n 49309. The serial number indicates this theodolite was manufactured during the...

Theodolite, Kern, DK2

Kern DK2 Theodolite, s/n 39066, in metal case.

Theodolite, Wild, T3

WILD HEERBURGG SWIZERLAND T3-91173. c/w tribrach., magnifying lens, lights, prism, etc. Marked with: GSD 0002,...

Theodolite, Wild, T2

Wild T2 Theodolite (missing - tribrach and upper mirror), s/n 130707, in metal case. (Note:...

Theodolite, Wild, T1A

Theodolite T1A, S/N 126542, in orange case. The theodolite with removable tribrach and folding mirror,...

Theodolite, Wild, T1

Wild T1 Theodolite (missing tribrach) s/n 266759, in metal case.

Theodolite, Wild T16

Wild T16 Theodolite s/n 245388.

Theodolite, Tavistock

Made by Cooke Troughton & Simms Ltd. in canvas covered wooden box marked H^O 210...

Theodolite, Cooke, Troughton & Simms ALSA 2020.01.01

s/n 167841 - The Theodolite is marked "Cooke, Troughton & Simms, Ltd. London & York...