Theodolite, Wild, T2

Theodolite, Wild, T2
Theodolite, Wild, T2


  • Object ID: ALSA 2009.07.03
  • Made by: Wild Heerbrugg, Switzerland
  • Model: T2
  • Serial Number: 130707
  • Date Made: Date of production of this theodolite was 1974.
  • Approximate size: 25 cm (h) X 14 cm (w) (maximum width including knob) X 13 cm deep (maximum depth including bottom mirror), the telescope is 15 cm long.
  • Accessories: The metal instrument (bomb) case is green in color and is 35 cm tall X 21 diameter (including clamps) and is comprised of two pieces. 
  • Condition: good


The Wild T2 has direct reading to 1”. Development of the T2 started in 1921 with the first ones produced in 1924. There were four models; the original T2, the NT2, the T21 and a T2 model that was produced from 1973 to 1996 when production was discontinued. It was ideally suited for almost every type of survey task including 2nd and 3rd order triangulation.

The metal instrument (bomb) case is green in color and is 35 cm tall X  21 diameter (including clamps) and is comprised of two pieces. The domed green cover is affixed to the base by two snap clamps that are on either end of a 2 cm (w) leather strap. The bottom of the case is green in color and has three black thumb screw clamps for holding the instrument in place. A silver metallic label is affixed to the inside bottom of the case with “RH Optical Instrument Service Ltd.” along with their address and phone number. Snapped into the bottom of the case are two green and chromed circular lighting attachments (3.5 X 1.5 cm in diameter).
The theodolite is green in color with silver knerled thumb knobs and black eyepieces. The instrument  is 25 cm (h)  X 14 cm (w) (maximum width including knob) X 13 cm deep (maximum depth including bottom mirror), the telescope is 15 cm long. On the left standard the letters and numbers “WILD HEERBRUGG SWITZERLAND T2-130707” are etched into it. 
The top of the telescope has a silver (in color) and black adapter for a Geodimeter 112.
The case and instrument are in good condition; somewhat scratched up. The upper mirror and the tribrach are missing. The lower mirror glass is badly cracked.

Source of Object: Donated by Bruce Gudim, ALS.

Notes: The Society has a second T2, SHF 2015.01.03.

References: Visit article Wild – The Leader in Optical Theodolites for additional information.

Description by: Entered by Ed Titanich on December 1, 2024.