Computer, Pocket, Monroe 324G

Computer, Monroe 324G


  • Object ID: ALSA 2008.14.06.01
  • Made by: Computer Design Corporation of Los Angeles, California, also known as Compucorp
  • Model: 324G
  • Serial Number: 5313747
  • Date Made: Unknown
  • Approximate size: 23 cm (l) X 14 cm (w) X 7 cm (h)
  • Accessories:
  • Condition: good


Computer, Monroe 324G, s/n 5313747, approximately 23 cm (l) X 14 cm (w) X 7 cm (h).
Case is greenish/grey in color with a grey faceplate. The top of the calculator has a small screen (11.5 cm X 3.5 cm), a name plate (inscribed “MONROE 324G Scientist” along with a symbol) and keys and switches (which are sand and black in color).

The sides and front of the calculator are plain and have no markings thereon.
The back of the calculator has a small nameplate (inscribed “Litton MONROE” along with a

Source of Object: Donated by Dave Williams, ALS.

Notes: The Society has only one in their collection.

References: Visit the article Finally, Computers could be taken to the Field for additional information. Also visit

Description by: Updated by Ed Titanich, October 1, 2024.