- Object ID: ALSA 2007.22.01
- Made by: Lufkin Rule Co. of Canada
- Model: 50 ft.
- Serial Number: Unknown.
- Date Made: Unknown.
- Approximate size: Unknown.
- Accessories: The tape and case are stored in a 75 X 75 mm. cardboard box marked I.R.O 8.25 on top.
- Condition: good
A metal 50-foot measuring tape, 1/4 inches or 6.5 mm. wide fully-graduated in tenths and hundredths of a foot.
The tape is wound up in a 2 3/4 inch or 72 mm. diameter round, hard, light brown case. The case has a chrome flip-out handle to wind the tape into it. The tape has a wire loop end on it to anchor the zero end of it when taking measurements.
The case is embossed:
1. On the handle side: THE LUFKIN RULE CO.OF CANADA LTD. 50 (CMH scratched into the handle ) FT. WINDSOR, ONT.
2. On the side opposite of the handle: THE HUGHES-OWENS CO. LTD. MONTREAL WINNIPEG TORONTO.
Source of Object: Donated by R. McCutcheon, ALS
Notes: The Society has one other in their collection, ALSA 2007.22.02.
References: Visit articles Chaining – an Art and a Science, The Gunter’s Chain is Replaced by the Steel Band Chain and Pain or Panacea – Chains to Feet to Metres for additional information.
Description by: Entered by Ed Titanich on December 18, 2024.