- Object ID: ALSA 2008.10.20
- Made by: Made in Jena Germany.
- Model: Unknown.
- Serial Number: 210002
- Date Made: 1970.
- Approximate size: 27 cm (h), 14 cm (maximum w), horizontal circle is 12 cm (diameter) and the telescope is 20 cm in length.
- Accessories: The varnished wooden case is approximately 24.5 cm (w) X 38 cm (h) X 18 cm (d), has eight metal corner protectors, a metal handle, two metal hinges and a metal latch. There are two “BUTLER SURVEY SUPPLIES” labels attached to the top of the case. The inside of the case consists of a locking compartment housing one lens sunshade, one dark filter which goes over the end of the eyepiece and a cleaning cloth; various supports for the instrument; a label with a picture describing the placement of transit; and technical descriptions (in German).
- Condition: good
The theodolite Is green/grey in colour and sits on a fixed three screw tribrach. The dimensions are approximately 27 cm (h), 14 cm (maximum w), horizontal circle is 12 cm (diameter) and the telescope is 20 cm in length.
Metal tag on instrument reads “aus Jena MADE IN GERMANY”. There are two “BUTLER SURVEY SUPPLIES” labels attached to the instrument that also indicate address and phone number.
There is an eye piece for plumbing instrument on one side of the transit. It has two adjusting tangent screws and metal locking clamps (one for each of vertical and horizontal adjustments), two level bubbles (one tubular and one bulls-eye), and a rotating reflector mirror (for reading the vernier).
Sighting telescope has lens on one end and eyepiece on other, micrometer reading tube and two rough sighting sights (one on top and one on bottom of the telescope).
The inside of the case consists of a locking compartment housing one lens sunshade, one dark filter which goes over the end of the eyepiece and a cleaning cloth; various supports for the instrument; a label with a picture describing the placement of transit; and technical descriptions (in German). There also is a service label denoted as: “Calgary Instruments Technical Services” showing address and service “DATE 23-5-74”. There are also some small wooden circular compartments for accessories that are missing.
The varnished wooden case is approximately 24.5 cm (w) X 38 cm (h) X 18 cm (d), has eight metal corner protectors, a metal handle, two metal hinges and a metal latch. There are two “BUTLER SURVEY SUPPLIES” labels attached to the top of the case.
Source of Object: Donated by Grant Cross, ALS
Notes: The Society has only one in their collection.
References: Unknown.
Description by: Entered by Ed Titanich on December 3, 2024.