Transit, Keuffel & Esser

Transit, Keuffel & Esser


  • Object ID: ALSA 2012.05.03
  • Made by: Keuffel & Esser Co. Made in the USA.
  • Model: Unknown.
  • Serial Number: 97316
  • Date Made: Unknown.
  • Approximate size: Unknown.
  • Accessories: Two piece wooden brown varnished box is 20.6 cm (w) X 34 cm (h) X 18 cm (d). The back portion is attached to the door by two brass hinges and the front is connected by a brass lockable latch and two swing catches. A leather web strap is attached to the main body by four screws (two on either side). There are three leather pouches for holding various items; the only item included is a brass plumb bob (11 cm (l) X 3 cm diameter).
  • Condition: good


Keuffel & Esser transit, Serial No 97316 with wooden box and accessories. Brass instrument, includes telescope, 360 degree horizontal scale, 360 degree vertical scale, level bubble along the telescope, two plate level bubbles between standards, four levelling screws between horizontal circle and lower plate which is threaded onto a tripod. Threads are 3 1/2″ in diameter. Most of the instrument is covered with a black wrinkle paint. The horizontal and vertical plates have clamps and tangent slow motion screws. The telescope is a variable focus and has a detachable sun shade over the objective lens. Telescope length is 28 cm (with sun shade) X 3.5 cm diameter; total instrument height is 30 cm. There is a magnetic compass between the standards with four 90 degree quadrants degree scales, 11 cm diameter labelled “KEUFFEL& ESSER CO. MADE IN U.S.A.” The compass has a needle dampening thumb screw on the edge of the compass. There are two horizontal open vernier scale windows and one vertical open vernier scale window.

Source of Object: Donated by Bob Peverelle.

Notes: The Society has only one in their collection.

References: Visit article Is it a Theodolite or Transit? Early Open Vernier Theodolites and Transits for additional information.

Description by: Entered by Ed Titanich on December 4, 2024.