- Object ID: ALSA 2007.23.01
- Made by: Adie, Optician, Mathematical & Philosophical
- Model: Unknown
- Serial Number: Unknown
- Date Made: Unknown.
- Approximate size: Unknown
- Accessories: wooden case.
- Condition: fair
This instrument can be either a level or a transit depending on how the components are assembled.
A paper tag affixed to the inside of the instrument box is printed as follows;
The company, Adie, traded at 15 Pall Mall from 1869 to 1885 according to the Science Museum Group.
As a level, the telescope, along with the affixed long bubble is dropped into the two yokes affixed on the instrument base, and then locked into place by two locking pins,
To convert the instrument into transit mode, a brass standard is affixed to the instrument base. Then the telescope, with the removable vertical angle scale attached, is placed in the two cradles on the top of the standard and then locked into place by two hasps.
The instrument breaks down into four pieces.
1. The telescope and attached long bubble.
2 The instrument base with two yokes for holding the telescope in place when in the Dumpy Level mode.
3. The standard, which when joined with the base will hold the telescope, its long bubble and the vertical angle scale
4. The vertical angle scale which along with the telescope are affixed to the standard.
A wooden carrying case makes up the remainder of the object.
Source of Object: Unknown
Notes: The Society has only one in their collection.
References: Visit article It’s a Theodolite – and a Level for additional information.
Description by: Entered by Ed Titanich on December 11, 2024.