Sextant, Spenser Browning & Co

Sextant, Spenser Browning & Co
Sextant, Spenser Browning & Co
Sextant, Spenser Browning & Co
Sextant, Spenser Browning & Co


  • Object ID: ALSA 2010.10.01
  • Made by: Spenser Browning & Co. London
  • Model: Unknown.
  • Serial Number: Unknown.
  • Date Made: Circa 1870.
  • Approximate size: Unknown.
  • Accessories: wooden case.
  • Condition: fair


Sextant,  three telescopes for sextant, filter for telescope, spare tangent screw, adjusting pin, screwdriver are all in a wooden carrying case.  
Sextant marked “Spenser Browning & Co. London” on scale. Two sets of four light filters are part of the sextant.  The box has a Keuffel & Esser Co. sticker indicating that, although the sextant was manufactured in London, it was marketed by K&E in the USA. The box has a lock but no key. This sextant was made by Spencer Browning & Co. London. The company was in business in London from 1840 to 1870 indicating that the sextant is at least 150 years old.

Source of Object: Donated by Denny DeMeyer.

Notes: The Society has only one in their collection.

References: Visit article More than a Technological Change – GPS for additional information.

Description by: Entered by Ed Titanich on December 12, 2024.