Theodolite, Cooke, Troughton & Simms
s/n V012065 Theodolite with carrying case: COOK, TROUGHTON & SIMMS, LTD. YORK. ENGLAND. V012065 A...
The term “theodolite” can be traced back to the sixteenth century in Europe. Although there...
Matt Wuhr Interview July 8 1999
Interviewee: Matt Wuhr, CLS, ALS, NSLS, NBLS, PEILS - MW Interviewer: Les Frederick, ALS -...
Interview Collection
The Society has a number of interviews conducted with Alberta Land Surveyors. Some are available...
Chain, Gunter’s
The Gunter’s Chain, designed in England by Edward Gunter in 1620. It was one chain...
Chains and Tapes
There are a number of different types of "Tapes" in the Society collection and a...
EDM, K & E, Ranger 5
Serial No. 07B5012. Made in U.S.A by Laser Systems & Electronics, Inc. An Affiliate of...
EDM, Geodimeter Model 6
Serial 6571. This instrument is 21" high, 14" wide, 8.5" deep (with scope in vertical...
EDM – Electronic Distance Measuring Devices
The introduction of electronic distance measuring (EDM) in the late 1950s was the start of...